Instagram - @iamanocelot

Saturday, April 23, 2011


I haven't been posting. I've been so busy. And I've been dealing with.. things. I won't be free from exams for another few weeks but I try. And it's confirmed- I leave for a trip to Taiwan in a few weeks after this is all over to see a sick relative. It's an amazing place nevertheless, and I'll be sure to share tons of photos.

Here be some randoms:

My clothes rack (that I usually lay out for the week, though usually doesn't go according to plan).

Some side braiding I accomplished during a study break in order to temporarily retrieve my sanity. It worked.

From the front. I guess the shots outside weren't necessary, but I needed an excuse to get out of the house.

My favorite Ray-Bans (yes I own more than 1 pair) next to some of my favorite glassware. I collect pretty glass things. And Ray-Bans.

I recently dyed my hair dark black with LUSH henna- took a total of 6 hours + washing it out but it was totally worth it. So recommend. It actually stuck to my hair better than drugstore chemicals- surprisingly enough, and black NEVER stays in my hair.

My friends always joke that I'm not actually Asian and my hair knows the truth.

And of course, my baby. Favorite 6-mo old Siamese kitten in the world. I bought the carpet tower for him from a Goodwill.

A shot of my heat transfer book and TI-84 calculator. Never could get used to the 89's-even for the LaPlace and differentials abilities. There goes my nerd talk again.

And last but not least, my family of Nikon's. The left is an old film SLR and the right is my D40 (can't really see it though). They're useful since my dad used to shoot with Nikons and thus I inherited all his old lenses which are fully compatible.

And below, a Toy Joy sticker and P Terry's. Ever go to Austin, Toy Joy is a MUST. One of my favorite places on Earth, and not just because I used to work next door at Buffalo Exchange. Even if you don't like toys, you still have to go for the wow experience-- the place is packed from floor to ceiling with awesomeness. And if you don't like toys I really don't know what's wrong with you.

This is my lame excuse for a post. Uh, you're welcome for sharing? I never know how to end these things.


I have always loved you, she said. But there was pain in her heart.

It's what happens when you live inside but like a gypsy. And I can't help but think that for my whole life she resented us in some way or another, the way people with green eyes always do. They always tell you to run and be free, and when you grow up you can tell them how they've done it all wrong.

You can't base it off what you know from a past life.

Regardless of how hard you drill, the mind can never be free. What the old life teaches you is that growing up, you need to focus on one thing. There can only ever be that one thing. And you do; you take it for granted that this is all you've ever known. And then suddenly one day you hit the real world and realize you can't manage between that one thing and the billion of others you never knew you loved.

It's like the stars.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

This is for the People of the Sun

Rockin' the 90's hard that day. One of my favorite t-shirts of all time. I can't believe how many people actually come up to me and say something like, "hey love that shirt! Optimus Prime!" and then I can't decide whether to slap them or cry. Actually, that's probably a bit extreme. I got Thundercats once, also. The t-shirt is torn to shreds- like most of my t-shirts. There's a weird way that I like things to fit me, usually involving ripping down the sleeves, sides, neckline, and waist. Oh wait, that's all of it.

Took more cool shots with the new camera, and I'm loving all its features. And the bag that looks like I stole some grandma's old loveseat and stitched it into a satchel. And I'm pretty sure I got tetanus that day. Crawled through a pile of rusty junk.

If you're a cat, I'm a..

I love these suspender tights from Henry Holland, and anything crochet/fringe, and cats, and these Born Wynona boots.

It's fun wearing your favorite things all at once. I shot these on a self-proclaimed and well-deserved studying break, with misc items in the background including my duffel bag and a mixer. And I only noticed the giant cat eyes after I posted these. Haha.


Monday, April 4, 2011


First test shots with the new camera- the Olympus PEN E-P1. This little thing does the wonders of an SLR but is small enough to fit into the smallest of my purses. It's miraculous, really. I'm still not through fiddling with all the different settings and capabilities. One thing crossed off my wishlist. Next: MicroKORG and Nintendo DS Lite.

Also, I really have no idea why my hair looks like it's so many different colors. The boots are the Topshop Power boots. I'm getting a little sick of outfit posts. Urgh- my next post will be something different, I swear. I need ideas. Otherwise I'm just gonna post pictures of my cat, beer bottles, and things I see on the sidewalk (my archive is FILLED with these).

Hope you all had a good weekend :)