Growing up in a completely flat environment entirely at sea level has made me a sucker for elevation. I don't care if you can't build houses, or if roads need tunnels just to get through a large hill that us Texans like to call mountains... elevation is awesome.
Bf gets a little more face time in this post, since he usually takes my photos and is super awesome and superb for doing so. Also take notice of how much more increasingly tired we look as the day progresses. We did a smart thing leaving water bottles at the hotel (but we brought sunscreen, check!) and there were no clouds in the sky while we hiked a CANYON. What the sign told us (it lied!) of a 2.5 mile trail ended up being closer to 8, and that's just one-way. I just tried to live vicariously through the little streams we had to cross, in hopes that by looking at water I could feel more water.
We both had heat exhaustion on the last day coming home, go figure. Lesson learned. PS- the waterfall at the end of the trail (like the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow) wasn't even that impressive. This is coming from a girl who knows a real waterfall when she sees one. Still quite the experience and a lot of fun.
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